Friday, September 17, 2010

New Tech Standards & Requirements

The NETS*S, NETS*T, and OETS are all state mandated standards that are give guide lines on what aspects of technology needs to be interwoven into teachers curriculum.  Technology has become so advanced and incorporated with education, student’s everyday lives, and educator’s teaching capabilities, that it is necessary to start teaching students the basics to technology, how certain programs work, and how to integrate it into their lives.
Technology can no longer be something to scare away from as teachers because it far to advanced and used in everyday life that not teaching students how to use it would be considered neglect.  As a teacher, I can use these standards to act as a guide on different avenues I can use to integrate them into my lesson plans.  For instance, as a math teacher, I think it would be a great idea to have a classroom blog that I can post the syllabus, homework assignments, links to different sites that can give examples on how to do certain equations.  I can also use Screen R to record directions and examples how to accomplish certain equations or homework assignments that I know my students will have a hard time working out.  Using different technology in the classroom can also be helpful, for example, using a smart board could be a great way to incorporate the whole class by playing Jeopardy or other games that can make learning fun and interesting.  Also, using different programs on the Internet can make my students and my life a lot easier.  For instance, introducing them to Google Docs, blogger, Screen R/Screen Toaster, and Yodio.  All these programs are Internet based and free for all my students to use. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the thorough reflection. Excellent examples of appropriate uses of technology to improve teaching and learning.
